2023 Summer Courses: Statistical Learning

1st JSC Talks——Student Forum on Mathematics

转校区国际处:关于报名参加诺贝尔奖获得者兰迪 •...

2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者、美国加州大学伯克利分校教授兰迪•谢克曼(Randy W. Schekman)博士将于2022年12月10日举办学术讲座,具体信息如下:一、讲座主题分泌途径:细胞如何包装和运输蛋白质以供输出Secretory Pathway: How cells package & traffic proteins for export二、讲座时间12月10日(星期六)9:00-10:00(北...

Prof. Michael Jennions-The Economics of Evoluti...

Title: The Economics of Evolution: Sons or Daughters? Abstract: One of the most commonly asked question when a woman is pregnant is whether the parents know if it is a boy or a girl. In humans you have an (almost) 50% chance of guessing the answer correctly. But why is this? Can you correctly explain why t...

Sasha Mikheyev-Academic Skills

Title: Academic Skills Abstract:I am going to base my two lectures around Academic Skills Handbook that we've developed for the JSC from ANU materials. My first lecture will talk about how an Australian university is run and the different styles of teaching, and then talking about study skills. The second ...

Péter Maga- Beyond the Spherical Sup-norm Probl...

Title:  Beyond the Spherical Sup-norm ProblemAbstract: I will present a power-saving estimate in the restricted sup-norm problem of Maass forms for $\rm{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{Z}[i])$, assuming bounded spectral parameter and increasing dimension of the associated $\rm{SU}_{2}(\mathbb{C})$-type. Joint work with Va...

Generalizations of Alladi's Formula for Arithme...

Title: Generalizations of Alladi's Formula for Arithmetical Semigroups Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss a general version of Alladi’s formula with Dirichlet convolution holds for arithmetical semigroups satisfying Axiom A or Axiom A^#.  As applications, we apply our main results to certain semigrou...

Beyond the Weyl Barrier for GL(2) Exponential S...

Title: Beyond the Weyl Barrier for GL(2) Exponential Sums Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the Bessel delta-method and two new variants of the van der Corput method in 2 dimensions, and I will explain how to go beyond the Weyl barrier 3/2=1.5 for GL(2) exponential sums up to 1.63651.... This is joi...

On the Rankin-Selberg Problem

Title: On the Rankin-Selberg Problem Abstract: In this talk, I will sketch two proofs of the classical result of Rankin and Selberg (in 1939/1940) on the second moment of Fourier coefficients of a GL(2) automorphic form. The Rankin-Selberg problem is that whether one can break the 3/5 barrier in this error...

Lang-Trotter Conjecture for CM Elliptic Curves

Title: Lang-Trotter Conjecture for CM Elliptic Curves Abstract: For any elliptic curve $E$ over $\mathbf{Q}$ and any non-zero integer $r$, the Lang-Trotter conjecture has predicted the asymptotic behaviours of the number of good primes $p\leqslant x$, denoted by $\pi_{E,r}(x)$, such that the Frobenius trac...

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