2023 SDU-ANU Joint Science College Orientation Day

点击:    日期:2023-09-12

SDU-ANU Joint Science College (JSC) Orientation Day event was successfully held in Zhixing Auditorium and four venues in Dianzi Building on 5 September, 2023. At the opening ceremony Prof. Liu Jianya, Vice President, Shandong University (SDU), President, Shandong University, Weihai (SDUW) and Dean, JSC and Prof. Sally Wheeler, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International and Corporate), ANU delivered welcome speeches virtually. Prof. Xia Lidong, Vice President, SDUW, Prof. Kiaran Kirk, Dean, ANU College of Science, Craig Moritz, Director, ANU Research School of Biology, Prof. Sasha Mikheyev, Associate Dean, ANU College of Science (International), Jay Poria, Head, International Relations and Partnerships – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics, Arthur Xu, Regional Manager, International Relations and Partnerships – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics, Prof. Wang Xiangyun, Director, Academic Affairs Office, SDUW, Prof. Kong Haiyan, Director, International Office, SDUW, and A/Prof. Fan Qixue, Director, Student Affairs Office, SDUW together with JSC leaders, faculty and staff members, the current student representatives, all the 2023 freshmen and over 600 freshmen’s parents participated in person. The opening ceremony was hosted by Liang Fengjun, Party Dean, JSC.

Prof. Liu Jianya in his speech hoped that the freshmen will inherit and carry forward the century-old university’s glory, spirit and dream, bear in mind the country’s most fundamental interests and the college motto, “Aspire in Pursuit of Knowledge, Reason in Seeking for Truth”, and uphold the pioneering and innovative spirit while building a solid foundation academically. He asked the students to shoulder the historical mission, accumulate basic disciplinary knowledge and expand their worldview in order to grow to be top-class talents with global competence.

Sally Wheeler stated in her speech that JSC is a unique partnership between two world-leading universities, Shandong University and Australian National University, through which the two universities have brought together the best educational expertise and resources to create exceptional learning opportunities for the students. She highly praised the first two groups of JSC students studying in ANU and hoped that the 2023 cohort students will join them and study in ANU as well and embark on a wondrous and meaningful journey in life.

Prof. Lv Guangshi, Executive Dean, JSC introduced the college’s general situation and accomplishments from four aspects, the campus environment, college facilities, cultivation mode and distinctive features. He hoped that the freshmen will treasure their time in the college, hone their skills, and try to play a part in building China into a world leader in science and technology in the future.

Prof. Kiaran Kirk introduced ANU’s history, key research areas and features, as well as its location, landscape, environment, living facilities and support to the students in an all-round way. Prof. Sasha Mikheyev focused on “3+1+1” model, including admission requirements, major selection, curriculum, scholarships, and career development.

Dr. Yu Xiaolong, a teacher representative, JSC introduced the characteristics of university study and life to the freshmen. He hoped that they will build their capacity for self-study and lifelong learning, and integrate their own goals into the country’s development so as to become a better version of themselves.

Student representatives Wang Shiqi from 2021 cohort applied chemistry major and Teng Feitongtong from 2023 cohort biology major delivered speeches in English. Wang Shiqi shared his studying and living experiences at JSC and the successful experience of competing for a national science innovation award. Teng Feitongtong expressed her determination, representing all the freshmen, to live up to the expectations of times, uphold integrity and virtues and become elites with international vision, innovative spirit and practical ability.

Li Yixuan, 2019 JSC biology major student studying at ANU shared her experience of studying and living in ANU, presenting a more comprehensive and vivid picture of ANU to 2023 cohort students.

In Q&A session, four leaders in charge from both sides answered the students and their parents’ questions patiently concerning curriculum, cultivation mode, employment, etc.

The ceremony drew to a perfect close with all the guests, teachers and students singing the SDU University Song. Then, all the participants took a big group photo in front of Zhixing Auditorium to record this wonderful moment.

After the ceremony, the new students and their parents transferred to four different venues for discipline-specific meetings. The directors and leads from both JSC and ANU first introduced each major and studying methods, focusing on curriculum, facilities, discipline advantages and employment prospects etc. as well as the "3+1+1" model, followed by JSC students at ANU sharing their ANU experiences and current JSC students sharing their JSC experiences. Then the directors and leads from both JSC and ANU together answered questions mainly on major study raised by the freshmen and their parents. In the last session, all the participants moved outside to the garden to the east of Dianzi Building to have an open-air free talk where JSC faculty and staff, ANU delegation, the freshmen and their parents talked freely with each other, which brought the orientation day to a climax.

Present at the meetings were all the JSC leaders and teacher representatives, heads of ANU International Relations and Partnerships, directors and leads from ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute, ANU Research School of Physics, ANU Research School of Chemistry, and ANU Research School of Biology.

The 2023 orientation day has proved to be a real success by exhibiting the international features, joint cultivation advantages, and current achievements of the college. It has not only enhanced the communication between the college and the freshmen and their parents, helped the new students make a clear plan for their future development, but also accelerated the high-quality international development of the college.

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