Abhishek Bhardwaj from ANU visits JSC

点击:    日期:2023-09-12

On the afternoon of 4 September, Dr. Abhishek Bhardwaj from ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute visited JSC and had an exchange with Dr. Shen Quanli, a mathematics teacher, JSC on teaching and academic research.

Abhishek Bhardwaj introduced his research on algebraic geometry and polynomials, and Shen Quanli introduced L-functions and elliptic curves under study. Then they discussed dynamical system, including its importance and wide range of applications in disciplines such as financial mathematics and number theory. Besides, they also talked about the course content and teaching mode of ANU mathematics courses offered at JSC, as well as how to give a lecture on frontier topics of mathematics to undergraduates in an understandable way. They both looked forward to the teachers from ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute coming to teach at JSC in near future.

    The exchange has deepened the communication between the faculty members of JSC and ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute, and laid a solid foundation for the future in-depth cooperation in teaching and academic researches.

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