Honesty Education before the Final Examination Period Is Carried Out in Joint Science College

点击:    日期:2023-12-28

    Recently before the final examination period started honesty education was carried out in the Joint Science College (JSC) to enforce the examination discipline and enhance the college academic atmosphere as well as all the students’ awareness of taking the examinations with integrity.     

    Each counselor organised the students in his/her charge to read the rules such as Student Code of Conduct for Undergraduate Examinations at Shandong University and Implementation Rules of Disciplinary Violations and Penalties for Shandong University Students in addition to Measures for Preventing and Dealing with Academic Misconducts in Institutions of Higher Education, warning them against any misconduct with cases of cheating in previous examinations and requiring them to abide by academic ethics and standards. Furthermore, the counselors offered the students self-psychological adjustment guidance to help them avoid possible physical and mental problems and feeling too stressful and anxious to perform well in the examinations. After the meetings, all the students signed the Letter of Commitment to Examinations with Honesty pledging not to violate the examination discipline. They expressed their determination to strive to pay the college and their parents back with honours.

Honesty education is an essential requirement for universities to implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education and an important measure to cultivate a new generation of young people with both integrity and ability. This education activity has deepened the students’ understanding of value of honesty and enhanced their awareness of honesty and responsibility. It has also laid a good foundation for the college to promote academic honesty, uphold the good academic tradition and create an academic atmosphere of integrity.

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