Coffee Time - Experience JSC, Listen to the Sen...

Coffee Time - Farewell Party

Coffee Time – A Webinar for Pre-departure SDU-...

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Coffee Time - The World of the Elite

Social Practice in Winter Vacation: Youth in Ac...

  Light is an inseparable "life partner". The "right to light" plays an important role in people's daily life. However, it is difficult for every one to enjoy quality lighting in ordinary life due to the limitation of working cost, the conflict between the explosive technological development in lighting an...

Sun Chengqi, 2020 National Scholarship Winner

Sun Chengqi, a sophomore from JSC, winner of 2020 National Scholarship She has been awarded the first prize for academic learning and the first prize for cultural accomplishment. She has also been awarded the titles of Merit Student of SDUW and College Excellent Student Cadre. Currently she is a class psyc...

2020 National Scholarship Winner, Liu Yufei

  Liu Yufei, a sophomore majoring in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics in Joint Science College, won the National Scholarship in 2020.  Currently she is the secretary of the Youth League branch of Class II. She has served as a volunteer in the discipline inspection division of JSC Youth League Committee ...

Liu Yifan, 2020 National Scholarship Winner

Liu Yifan, a sophomore from JSC, winner of 2020 National Scholarship  “The study of natural science is like dual tracks of academic study and scientific research training.” Yifan has been practising this idea on his learning journey in the past two years. He ranked first in his major in the first year, w...

2020 National Scholarship Winner, Wang Jiaqi

  Wang Jiaqi, a sophomore majoring in Biological Science of Joint Science College, won the National Scholarship and the title of Merit Student of SDUW in 2020.  She is currently a member of the Life Committee of Class II and a research assistant to the 12th Undergraduate Scientific Research Project on camp...

2020 National Scholarship Winner, Zhang Qinghan...

   Graduating from Tai'an No. 1 High School in Shandong Province, he is one of the 2019 cohort majoring in Applied Physics in JSC, Shandong University. He won the National Scholarship and the title of Merit Student of Shandong University in 2020.  He is currently the head of the study division of JSC Stude...

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