The 6th & 7th Coffee Time—“Chinese-Australian Cultural Exchange”, “ ‘3+1+1’ Model Promotion” in 2023 (No. 21 & 22) Are Held

点击:    日期:2023-07-03

    On 29 June, 2023 SDU-ANU Joint Science College (JSC) held the 6th and 7th Coffee Time activities on the theme of Chinese-Australian Cultural Exchange and “3+1+1” Model Promotion respectively in Linglong Auditorium to broaden the students’ vision and deepen the communication between JSC faculty and students and ANU visitors. Mr. Jay Poria, Head of International Relations and Partnerships – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics, Mr. Arthur Xu, Regional Manager, International Relations and Partnerships – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics, and Chen Xiaowen, 2019 cohort biology major student studying at ANU were invited to attend in person. Prof. Chang Xiaomei, Vice Dean, JSC, staff from the Student Affairs Office, JSC and teachers of Academic English course as well as 2021 cohort and 2022 cohort students participated in the activities hosted by Ms. Zhou Junxia, a teacher of Academic English course.

    In the morning, in her opening speech Chang Xiaomei extended her warm welcome to ANU’s visitors and her sincere gratitude to them for the support and help they gave in the past years’ cooperation. She stressed that it was not possible for both sides to have face to face communication in the past three years due to the pandemic. In the post-pandemic era, more cultural exchanges and engagements will be enhanced to strengthen the relationship between the two partners.

    Chen Xiaowen who came back from one year study at ANU for holidays shared her experience vividly with a vlog she made by herself based on her own life and study at ANU.

    Jay Poria expressed his delight at visiting JSC and joining in the activity after three years’ waiting and his heartfelt thanks for the warm reception. He then introduced in detail Australia’s one true national sport, esp. the most popular sport during the summer, cricket with pictures and videos in hope of helping the participants to understand its culture. He talked about its history and rules of the competition, and he taught basic skills with demonstration. In interaction with the students, he answered patiently all the questions on cricket playing.

    In the afternoon, Arthur focused on ANU’s strengths and achievements and the joint programme “3+1+1” articulation model. He also detailed the application requirement, curriculum, academic career development, scholarship, supporting services provided and so on. Meanwhile he shared ANU’s campus scenery with the audience. Then Chen Xiaowen added more to the 3+1+1 model from her own study experience.

The participants had close exchanges with the ANU visitors in the above two activities. They talked freely with each other asking the guests questions actively on the programme and other questions related while enjoying dessert. In the end, students signed up for cricket playing.

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