Chinese-Australian Cultural Exchange Events Held

点击:    日期:2023-07-04

On 28 and 30 June two visitors from ANU, Mr. Jay Poria, Head, International Relations and Partnership – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics and Mr. Arthur Xu, Regional Manager, International Relations and Partnership – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics, together with Vice Dean Chang Xiaomei and some staff as well as 2021 and 2022 cohort students from SDU-ANU Joint Science College (JSC) participated in activities of experiencing traditional Chinese culture, tie-dye and calligraphy and Australia’s national sport, cricket playing respectively.

On the afternoon of 28, Mr. Jay Poria and Mr. Arthur Xu were invited to experience tie-dye and calligraphy in the room for teaching and practicing traditional Chinese culture in the College of International Education. After the teacher introduced this traditional folk culture’s history and development and demonstrated the handicraft’s tying and dyeing techniques that produce colourful patterns, Jay and Arthur as well as the JSC participants began to practice, trying to create works of different styles and patterns with innovative imagination. Then the calligraphy teacher introduced the six styles and four treasures of the study, also known as “Scholar’s Four Jewels”, an expression used to refer to a brush, an ink stick, paper and an ink stone, the key instruments in Chinese calligraphy and taught how to manipulate the brush. Following his explanation and demonstration, the learners practiced conscientiously writing the JSC College Motto, Aspire in Pursuit of Knowledge, Reason in Seeking for Truth. While wielding the brush and applying ink to paper, they felt the charm of the traditional Chinese culture.

    On the late afternoon of 30, over thirty JSC teachers and students experienced playing cricket on the playground after Jay’s introduction and training. As is known, cricket is Australia’s one true national sport and is widely played across the country. It is the most popular sport during the summer. All the players abided by the game rules and practiced skills hard. They took turns to bowl, bat, catch and throw, etc. in high spirits coached by Jay and Arthur. After the game was over, they had a group photo taken to mark the unforgettable moment.


    The college has always attached great importance to cultural exchange activities to enhance the faculty and students’ understanding of multi-cultural differences and tell Chinese stories well in the engagements of various forms with distinctive features. The college will stick to its educational characteristics and continue to organise more colourful recreational cultural exchange activities to create rich internationalised atmosphere and promote its development in a systematic way and with unique characteristics.


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