1st JSC Talks – Student Forum on Mathematics Held

点击:    日期:2023-07-04

    On the morning of 30 June, the 1st JSC Talks was successfully held in Linglong Auditorium. Two Mathematics and Applied Mathematics major juniors, Han Aolin and Zhao Yijia and one sophomore, Sun Chengwen of the same major from JSC together with three 2019 cohort students of the same major coming back from one-year study in ANU, Yao Jingning, Li Ke and Wang Zhining were invited to be the keynote speakers at the Student Forum on Mathematics to share their academic perspectives and research results. Prof. Zhao Cheng and Dr. Shen Quanli from SDU-ANU Joint Science College (JSC), and Dr. Abhishek Bhardwaj from ANU attended the forum as panelists. Vice Dean of JSC, Prof. Chang Xiaomei, Mr. Jay Poria, Head of International Relations and Partnerships– STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics and Mr. Arthur Xu, Regional Manager, International Relations and Partnerships – STEMM, ANU College of Science; ANU College of Health & Medicine; ANU College of Computing, Engineering & Cybernetics as well as JSC faculty and student representatives were present in person at the forum. Students of math major on Jinan and Qingdao campuses of Shandong University and other math enthusiasts attended online.

    At the Forum the student speakers exchanged their creative ideas and shared their research results from math study. Yao Jingning started with a 2023 Gaokao question to discuss the application of Markov Chain; Wang Zhining illustrated his study of the topic, Monty Hall Problem and Hilbert’s Hotel Problem by the combination of number and form; Han Aolin introduced algorithms of High Degree (HD), Collective Influence (CI) and Generalized Network Dismantling (GND) and his research result of approaching the Network Dismantling Problem; Li Ke introduced cryptosystem based on the research status of cryptography and shared her interest in the study of optimization in denoising and how to denoise image; Zhao Yijia demonstrated that the number of integers equals to the number of even numbers and shared his study on music genre classification and its application; Sun Chengwen explained to the audience the traditional site selection problems based on macroscopical and qualitative analysis, and the machine learning site selection problems based on micro and quantitative analysis.

After the talk the panelists, Abhishek Bhardwaj (online) and Shen Quanli (onsite) highly recognised the six students‘ sharing of their study results and gave them advice on their future research plans, mathematical thinking and application. At the Q & A session, the student speakers answered patiently all the questions from the student audience. They were all engaged in lively exchanges and learned from each other. Prof. Zhao Cheng in his conclusion conveyed his congratulations on the success of the 1st JSC Talks-Student Forum on Mathematics. He said that mathematics is the basis of many other disciplines. It is also a language form that is beyond geographical and cultural boundaries, which can help us understand the diversity of the world’s civilisations better. He encouraged the students to dare to question assumptions and challenge convention to achieve greater success in mathematical studies.

The event was broadcast live via Sina-Weibo platform and was watched by nearly 2,000 people. It is aimed to arouse the students‘ interest in mathematical study and motivate them to feel the unique charm of mathematical culture, and meamwhile to demonstrate the characteristics and quality of the college education. It has positive significance for the college to build an activity brand with features of internationalised education and upgrade the education quality steadily.

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