The 1st Coffee Time in 2023 (No. 16) Is Held Online to Celebrate New Year

点击:    日期:2023-01-01

    On the morning of 1 January, 2023, the 1st Coffee Time (No. 16) Academic and Cultural Exchange event was held on Tencent Meeting. Prof. Chang Xiaomei, Vice Dean of Joint Science College, SDU, teachers from the academic English teaching group, three student representatives studying in ANU and over fifty 2020 cohort students who are going to ANU for further study got together online celebrating New Year. The event was hosted by the English teacher, Li Yan.

   Chang Xiaomei first conveyed her new year wishes to the participants, and then reviewed briefly what was achieved in 2022. She said in the past year the first group of 61 students from 2019 cohort studying in ANU obtained outstanding academic results, and meanwhile they experienced richly and improved tremendously. She hoped that they will make an extra effort and turn their grand goals into reality. She also encouraged the 2020 cohort students to follow their good examples and better themselves on a higher platform.

   Three student representatives studying on ANU campus shared their own unique and successful experiences on academic studies and development as well as local holiday custom, leisure and entertainment, and their travel experiences with carefully prepared vivid and explicit pictures. They also answered questions concerning the “3+1+1” joint programme. In the game of guessing Chinese idioms, all the students raced to be the first to answer questions with keen interest and demonstrated their good foundation of the Chinese language.

   The event lasted two and half hours when all the participants observed an unforgettable New Year holiday. The students gathered online from different places, even different hemispheres to embrace the new beginning. Those missing home on ANU campus felt comforted and happy, and those going to ANU have had a better idea and understanding of studying there. While immersd in a multicultural festival atmosphere, the 2020 cohort students got ready to reach a higher stage.

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